Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Mama mama mama

For all of us with strong willed kids you will appreciate this womens wisdom. I think we have all been there and done that. THanks for sending this to me Babushka!

The Mom Song from Northland Video on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

BABUSHKA really howled over this high stacata rendition of all the MOM
Rules - some of which this MOM remembers vaguely - in a quieter, dignified way!!
Comments - please - you bloggers :)

Debbie D said...

Hi Passanita Family
Rod you have a wonderful looking Family. Your wife is amazing, It took some time to check out your bolg. Iam old so it takes a few. Ha! you'll be there some day! Your older son reminds me of you back @ Mc D-days he looks so much like you. Your 3 sons have been blessed with two loving parents! It was refreshing to hear your wife say that the two of you are best friends. Not many people today have such a gift as that. You my friend have been blessed! Please keep in touch to manys years go by and much is lost. Be safe