Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Paperwork has been submitted to the SDA!

We received the news today that our adoption paperwork has been officially submitted to the SDA in Ukraine. We should hear within a few weeks what our registration number is and when we will travel for our appointment. Wow, it's getting closer. It is really nice to actually be making some progress after waiting for so long. Judging by the other appointments that have been scheduled for people whose paperwork went in before ours we should have a travel date sometime in April or beginning of May. I'm glad it will be a little warmer there than it is now. Trying to outfit little ones with snow suits and hats and gloves etc. would be a little cumbersome but I wouldn't mind a bit. As a matter of fact, I couldn't help buying one little outfit each after getting the news today. Obviously we have no idea how old our little ones will be so these outfits may never be used but I had fun picking them out anyway. I can't wait to actually meet them and hold them in my arms. I'm trying not to get too excited yet because you never know what the future holds but I remain hopeful that things will move along as planned.
Rob and I continue to pray nightly for our 2 new little angels. It seems everyone's experience is a little different in Ukraine so we are totally depending on God to lead the way and make our path straight. Or as straight as it can be Ukraine style.
We will continue to post updates as we receive them. Thanks for following along with us on this journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great News... Our Dossier should be delivered to the SDA this Friday. I have booked marked your page. We adopted a little 8 year old girl from Ukraine in 2003. We are now going back to adopt a girl 7-11 years old. You are welcome to visit our site at http://erica.luvangels.com. If you e-mail me I will set you up with login to view our 2003 and 2007 photo album. Good luck on your adoption...

Robb, Jill and Erica