For all of us with strong willed kids you will appreciate this womens wisdom. I think we have all been there and done that. THanks for sending this to me Babushka!
The Mom Song from Northland Video on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Fall Happenings
Well it's been a while since I posted anything. I didn't realize how many people were actually reading this and interested in what is going on at our end of the world. The reason I blog is really to keep track of things I want to remember and because I don't have time to scrapbook anymore and don't foresee having time in the future to do that. I do enjoy sharing stories about the family with any and all who are interested though. The other reason is for awareness that there are kids out there who are great kids that need a family to help them be all they can be. We won't ever forget all the faces we left behind in Ukraine as I'm sure anyone who has adopted won't forget the other kids faces where they were too. I always remind myself that "but for the grace of God go I". Those kids didn't choose that life it was the hand they were dealt and it is up to the rest of us to do our part. While our family is "Officially closed" (unless there is a miracle by God to change that) we would gladly help anyone who wishes to pursue the blessing of adoption.
Yuri and Victor are finishing up their second soccer seasons and Vanya is just beside himself that he can't play yet. Spring T-ball will come soon enough! Just running 2 schedules of sports is a lot so I'm sure I'll be really frazzled by the time baseball comes and all 3 will play! The boys get great enjoyment out of playing on a team and interacting with the coaches and kids (mostly the coaches) Victor has really flourished this year in soccer and has scored a goal at almost every game and even scored 2 goals in the same game a couple of weeks ago. His gross and fine motor skills are right up there with his peers so he has caught up quickly just with a little extra time and exposure. His team is the tigers and they are orange this year. Yuri's team is the eagles and they are green. Yuri loves to play defense and has a good sense of position. He also likes the thrill of scoring though so often times he will just dribble the ball up and shoot even though he was on defense. He plays on a 1st/2nd grade team so some of the kids are closer to his age. He has scored many goals and has a great foot that can get the ball out of backfield and up to the offense. Both boys are now able to play American soccer and not Ukrainian soccer. Not as many kids are getting hurt by them this season. I don't think they have plowed over anyone this time so mama is happy about that. Papa is still wondering why that isn't legal because they almost always keep going with the ball after "getting some one out of the way". Periodically he has to be reminded that they are still little and this is soccer not football. Of course all the boys want to play football but mama isn't quite ready for my little guys to become bruisers. I also like all their parts where they are currently located. Vanya has excellent ball skills and will be a whiz when he gets to play next year. It will be fun to watch them all progress.
School this year is going very well and Victor is right about middle of the road in his kindergarten class. He has really made a lot of progress and we hope he will continue to go right along with the class and move to first grade next year. He is always the jokester and it will serve him well I'm sure. All the kids know him and he has an enormous following at school. He gets invited to birthday parties for kids who aren't even in his class; some aren't even in his grade! Yep, this might become a problem when he get older. Good thing mama has time to prepare before the girls start calling. He knows most of his letters and is working on his letter sounds now and can even read a few books on his own. His teacher is very pleased and says he is right on track. That makes mama pleased too! He still continues to connect himself to anyone and everyone though, particularly men. He hugs everyone right when he meets them and makes friends everywhere he goes. I have to watch him like a hawk. The whole stranger thing hasn't made too much sense yet. Mama got to go on the pumpkin patch trip with him this year and that was fun. It did make me realize that he still hasn't quite overcome some old habits and mannerisms though. He kept asking other people to help him with things even though I was right there. Whoever happened to be closer to him was asked. He didn't think anything of going to eat with some other kids and just leaving mama behind. I'm glad he isn't clingy but I had to explain that I come on these to spend time with him and if he doesn't want me to come then I would be happy to skip the school bus ride with 35 5 year olds. He hasn't really processed that sort of thing yet. The pumpkin patch was fun and he picked out a great pumpkin to paint and carve. I went for the carving at the school and helped a little group design their pumpkin and they weighed it and counted the seeds and made a face and then scooped it out and weighed it again. Since we don't celebrate Halloween I suggested that we make a silly face instead of a scary one and Victor was all about that! We had the silliest looking pumpkin ever. Of course I forgot the camera but it had about 10 eyes, a circle nose, two triangle ears and a boot for a mouth! I'll be going to do gingerbread houses next week so we'll see how that goes. It is my year to help in Victors class since I did Yuri's last year.
Yuri and Victor are finishing up their second soccer seasons and Vanya is just beside himself that he can't play yet. Spring T-ball will come soon enough! Just running 2 schedules of sports is a lot so I'm sure I'll be really frazzled by the time baseball comes and all 3 will play! The boys get great enjoyment out of playing on a team and interacting with the coaches and kids (mostly the coaches) Victor has really flourished this year in soccer and has scored a goal at almost every game and even scored 2 goals in the same game a couple of weeks ago. His gross and fine motor skills are right up there with his peers so he has caught up quickly just with a little extra time and exposure. His team is the tigers and they are orange this year. Yuri's team is the eagles and they are green. Yuri loves to play defense and has a good sense of position. He also likes the thrill of scoring though so often times he will just dribble the ball up and shoot even though he was on defense. He plays on a 1st/2nd grade team so some of the kids are closer to his age. He has scored many goals and has a great foot that can get the ball out of backfield and up to the offense. Both boys are now able to play American soccer and not Ukrainian soccer. Not as many kids are getting hurt by them this season. I don't think they have plowed over anyone this time so mama is happy about that. Papa is still wondering why that isn't legal because they almost always keep going with the ball after "getting some one out of the way". Periodically he has to be reminded that they are still little and this is soccer not football. Of course all the boys want to play football but mama isn't quite ready for my little guys to become bruisers. I also like all their parts where they are currently located. Vanya has excellent ball skills and will be a whiz when he gets to play next year. It will be fun to watch them all progress.
School this year is going very well and Victor is right about middle of the road in his kindergarten class. He has really made a lot of progress and we hope he will continue to go right along with the class and move to first grade next year. He is always the jokester and it will serve him well I'm sure. All the kids know him and he has an enormous following at school. He gets invited to birthday parties for kids who aren't even in his class; some aren't even in his grade! Yep, this might become a problem when he get older. Good thing mama has time to prepare before the girls start calling. He knows most of his letters and is working on his letter sounds now and can even read a few books on his own. His teacher is very pleased and says he is right on track. That makes mama pleased too! He still continues to connect himself to anyone and everyone though, particularly men. He hugs everyone right when he meets them and makes friends everywhere he goes. I have to watch him like a hawk. The whole stranger thing hasn't made too much sense yet. Mama got to go on the pumpkin patch trip with him this year and that was fun. It did make me realize that he still hasn't quite overcome some old habits and mannerisms though. He kept asking other people to help him with things even though I was right there. Whoever happened to be closer to him was asked. He didn't think anything of going to eat with some other kids and just leaving mama behind. I'm glad he isn't clingy but I had to explain that I come on these to spend time with him and if he doesn't want me to come then I would be happy to skip the school bus ride with 35 5 year olds. He hasn't really processed that sort of thing yet. The pumpkin patch was fun and he picked out a great pumpkin to paint and carve. I went for the carving at the school and helped a little group design their pumpkin and they weighed it and counted the seeds and made a face and then scooped it out and weighed it again. Since we don't celebrate Halloween I suggested that we make a silly face instead of a scary one and Victor was all about that! We had the silliest looking pumpkin ever. Of course I forgot the camera but it had about 10 eyes, a circle nose, two triangle ears and a boot for a mouth! I'll be going to do gingerbread houses next week so we'll see how that goes. It is my year to help in Victors class since I did Yuri's last year.
Yuri is doing well but is not progressing as fast as we would have expected for this year. We think it has a lot to do with his speech impediment. He is really having a hard time reading because he can't sound the words out very well and then gets frustrated so it isn't as much fun. He still likes school but not as much as last year. He has figured out that he is behind and that the kids are all older than him but not enough to make him want to work harder. He has trouble pronouncing certain sounds and so when he tries to sound something out it just doesn't sound like it should so he doesn't recognize it. We are currently tying to get him some speech help and have a meeting to see if we can get that included in his Student Action Plan. He is a whiz at math and has very good reasoning skills and also has a good vocabulary. He loves to do arts and crafts and is proud of himself when he can do things without help. He is very conscientious and most the time remembers all of his things. His stubbornness sometimes gets in the way of his fun and because he is very competitive about EVERYTHING he often gets upset if he perceives things to be unfair or if one of his brothers gets to do something or go somewhere that he doesn't. He is always a great worker at home and likes to help cook and clean and help papa in the yard. He does a good job telling his brothers how to do things too.
Vanya is having a good year as well but is by far our laziest. He has finally mastered the whole potty thing (thankfully) and knows he must stop and go to the bathroom regardless of how much fun he is having doing whatever he was doing. If he thinks something is going to take a long time then he doesn't want to do it even if it is something fun. And if it isn't something fun then look out. He still bosses his brothers around a little bit, but they have all gotten used to each other and now that they include him in a few things, he isn't as bossy as he used to be since he wants to play with them. He knows all of his letters and most of the sounds but words are still hard for him. He doesn't like to color in the lines because again "that takes longer". So most of his artwork from preschool is scribbles of one color on a page. He can draw things and make his letters neat but chooses not to when given a choice. The concept of excellence is foreign at this point and may elude him for quite some time. He is also very good with numbers and loves to be read to and can play games now. He likes to play with the hot wheel cars and anything you can ride on. Outside is where he would love to be at all times though. He goes outside and plays with whoever is out there no matter how old or what gender. If no one is outside he will go knock on his friends doors and see if they can play. His charm seems to attract all the little girls and some of the boys too. He is very sociable but is selective about who can be in his "circle". He is very athletic and never ceases to make us laugh with all his funny faces. I went to the pumpkin patch with his class as well and it was a hoot! His class is mostly 3 year olds and a few 4 year olds so they were just excited to ride the bus and go on the hayride. They got to pick out a gourd and a small pumpkin so it was all worth it in their eyes. He is my one who always wants to be with mama so no problem asking me to help not only him but all his friends too!
This Thanksgiving will be a little sad because we have one less family member this year. My grandmother died at the end of October and would have celebrated her 99th birthday this Thanksgiving. Fortunately my brother, Brian, and I, were able to go down and spend a few days with her before she rapidly went down hill and Jesus called her home. Vanya asked me to ask Ama if she would tell Jesus that He was doing a good job, since she would get to meet Him before he would. Out of the mouths of babes. My brother and I both got to play cards with her (she still beat us too) and Chinese checkers and she was alert and her normal self. We were both so thankful for that last bit of time we got to have with her. After we left to come home, it was only another 2 weeks before she was gone. She was a special lady and we will always treasure her. We all made the trip down to Florida for the funeral and the boys did a great job of knowing how to behave at the service. Fortunately, my cousins took the boys to the aquarium for the day when we were cleaning out her apartment. It was just a bit too tempting to touch everything and play with everything and be right in the way. It was nice to go out on the Gulf of Mexico to spread her ashes as she wished. We saw 2 dolphins swimming alongside the boat and the boys got a real kick out of seeing them so close. We got to say our goodbyes and will know her watchful eye will be on us until we join her. It was nice for my brother and his daughters to be with all of us as well. "Ama" was the last of her generation in our family so even though our matriarch is gone, the generation (my mother's) that follows will now have to be our family "glue".
Good boys Mischievous Boys
The holidays are almost upon us and I can't believe we are coming up to the end of 2008! We have had the boys now for a year and a half but sometimes it seems like yesterday and other times it seems like a lifetime. They have come so far and yet they still have a long way to go. We are just now able to tell others that it does become manageable, they do learn, and you do actually get to have some alone time (not much, but some). They all have such great personalities that are emerging and I love watching them discover more and more things and have opinions. God truly blesses those who care for his children!
Mama mama mama
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Creativity is flourishing
The boys continue to amaze me with the things they do. I used to think they just hadn't ever have many things to play with so they just didn't play with things the way they were intended. While they still use things in different ways, I have come to realize that they are all just very creative. They are always wanting to build a "house" with blankets and whatever else they can find and they LOVE to dress up as super heroes, police, doctors, etc.. But this one really caught me by surprise......
Yuri and Victor went into the plastic bag collection and created an outfit from them! When they informed me what they had dressed up as I about fell over laughing. They dressed up as the lunch guys! They had the hats and everything. Take a look! Yuri had used the handles on his bag as suspenders and made 2 holes in the bottom to put his legs through. They both tied a bag around their head for a hat. Victor looked a little more like Aunt Jamima and Yuri like Mario on the video game Super Mario Brothers. What a pair! Meanwhile, little brother was creating a new kitchen floor. He thought it would be more colorful with some pink tiles and was highly offended that I made him clean it up.
They have had a ball with the light sticks you can get from the dollar store too. Those light sticks held their attention for quite a long time and then they wanted to put them in the freezer to use again another time. After showing them how we could take a picture in the dark they came up with some different ways to move them. Here are a few.
Of course there was still the fussing over who created the coolest looking shape but they all had a blast and mama enjoyed watching them discover how they could use these for something other than light saber weapons. Yuri was not still long enough to get a flash picture of him creating a shape so I'll have to be quicker next time before he moves on to his next creation.
Even papa got a little creative and went out and got all of us Steeler jerseys to wear for the Pittsburgh Steelers season opener. We even wore them to church just to kid our pastor who is a Cowboys fan and has outfitted most of his 10 children (yep, that wasn't a typo, he has 10 kids and no we are not mormon or catholic) with Dallas apparel. The boys thought that was pretty cool and asked if we were going to get more shirts for the games that were on the next week! Papa made sure that he explained that this is a Steelers household and they could like other teams but that the Steelers would have to be their favorite and that is why they got to have a Steelers shirt. Nope, no democracy in the football front. I am still a Redskin fan AND have a jersey but I will let Papa have his fun with the boys and don my Steelers jersey proudly.
Another few things that I just hadn't written down in the past year are all the funny words the kids have come up with. I thought I had better do that before I forget so really the list is for me but thought others might enjoy seeing it too.
Waterlemons for watermelon
pink pinks for pancakes
puncuter for computer
white egg for hard boiled egg and yellow egg for scrambled
zero's for cherrios
"the sit down lady" for the aid on the school bus
mykraine for ukraine
I'll have to add to the list as I remember or hear other ones. At least have a spot to write them down now. I know babushka will be happy I have finally done that.
The boys have started soccer for the fall and Yuri's team is the Eagles and Victor's is the Tigers. Vanya is still just chomping at the bit to play on a team of his own but will have to wait one more season. Tball equipment for the spring will be under the tree this Christmas for him (shhhh, don't tell him). Since he can't read yet it's safe to put it here. Speaking of reading, here is Yuri reading one of his poems for school this year.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Travis turns 20!
Boy, I can't believe Travis is turning 20 today. This is the first year for a long time that we haven't spent his birthday or a day close to his birthday with him. I guess we will have to get used that as he is continues to become more nad more independent and grown up. I remember taking him to kindergarten and now he isnt even a teenager anymore. Time sure does fly. I wish we had blogs back hten so I could have recounted all the cute and funny things he did as a child. We do have quite few bribery pictures to be used at some time in the future but for now we just wish him a Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
First Day of School
As always, I have taken pictures of the first days of school for all our kids. One day I will actually have to do something with those! Ha Ha! Fortunately all of the boys love school and they were excited about going. Yuri will be in 1st grade this year and Victor in Kindergarten and Vanya in preschool.
When they got back from Ukraine and adjusted quickly to the time change and back to being Americans. "I want" "I need" "Mama mama mama". I was veryhappy and also relieved that they had a great time on the trip and didn't have any doubts about us leaving them there and it didn't bring up any bad memories. I'm hoping that means that they really didn't have many traumatic experiences in their early life there. They enjoyed looking at all the pictures and are now ready to head back to school for another great year of learning. Mama is ready for a few hours of peace and quite again too.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Missions Work and Play
Once we made it to Zaporyzhzhia we had a great day at Sonechko Baby House and 3 great day at Children's home #3. We got to minister to the kids and show them the love of the Lord and we had a great interpreter and guide as well. One of the best parts was that we got to go to our favorite pizza place NayBay (Pow Wow)and McDonald's several times. I did not feel deprived of good food this time.
The details of trip are on our other trip blog at
with comments from the whole team. We have also posted a video on you tube as well. Search for "8 to Ukraine".
Our boys did great on the trip and I was very proud of each one of them.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Made it Zaporyzhzhia
Well, we made it to Zaporyzhzhia bright and early this morning. The train ride was very hot even though we had an air conditioned train. The other cars were quite cool whereas the one Rob, myself and the boys were in was not. I think it must have been the sheer testosterone in a small space that did it. They all give off so much heat that it definitely counteracted the air conditioning. Well it really took it's toll on me. After Yuri falling off the top bunk and landing on me and then not really getting any sleep because we had a food bag in the room that really stunk I woke up to a rushed trip to the bathroom. Then with nothing in my stomach we had to offload the bags and the kids and get checked into the hotel just in time to rush right out to the Church service at "Christ is Alive" which started at 9 instead of 10. So with a quick shower and wet hair we ran out the door and got there. It was great to hear some of the same praise and worship music that we sing but with different words. Rob and I were called up front to speak and it was a good thing that God was with us as we weren't exactly prepared to make any kind of long speech. The pastor sat down and was looking quite comfortable as we were finishing up with what we had to say. It was great to see GOD at work though in the lives of these believers. It was very interesting that the sermon at crosswalk said some of the same things we said this morning. Rob even made reference to the fact that many kilometers away believers are doing the same thing we are and worshipping God. It was great to hear the responses form the audience. We were treated like royalty. However, because of the heat I had to take our 2 younger boys outside and that is where the "nursery" was. It looked like the buggy brigade to me but all the other mothers came over and smiled as they introduced their children. One lady understood enough English for us to communicate a little and they were all very nice. Many babushka's came up and said something to us that I imagine was something like "bless you" and one of them even gave Vicky a bag of plums for us to take with us. Afterward we went to get a bit to eat at the AMCTOP which in Russian is said amstore. I was feeling pretty crummy by that time but everyone got a bite to eat and when we got back to the hotel I laid down and took a nap while everyone else went out to explore our new city. I thought I could have just laid there and died as the heat was not my friend. After getting a little rest I felt a little better so we went outside to a Christian festival which was right in the park next to our hotel. That was a first for us! We couldn't even find a church last year when we were here. Now they are having a huge Christian festival as it is the evening of their independence day. Funny how that happens. Last year we were here and picked the boys up on July 4th, our independence day and this year we are hear for Ukraine's independence day. I think God must have intended for it to be that way to emphasize that He is really the one who gives us all our independence by being dependent on Him.
We got to get together with Olga and Christina and Gregory at our favorite Pizza place (NayBay pronounced PowWow). After 2 of the boys fell asleep right on the table we decided it would be a good idea to go put them in bed.
We have made plans for the day tomorrow as it is a continuation of the holiday from today. Here in Ukriane you have to have a holiday from the holiday. It's just the way it is. Now we are here at the internet cafe sharing all of our thoughts with our families and all you other blog readers. Thanks for the comments and keep 'em coming. If you read this post first make sure you read Lisa and Vicky's posts for today as well. We all have different perspective and God has shown each of us differnet things that are worth while reading.
Blessing to all,
Laura et al
We got to get together with Olga and Christina and Gregory at our favorite Pizza place (NayBay pronounced PowWow). After 2 of the boys fell asleep right on the table we decided it would be a good idea to go put them in bed.
We have made plans for the day tomorrow as it is a continuation of the holiday from today. Here in Ukriane you have to have a holiday from the holiday. It's just the way it is. Now we are here at the internet cafe sharing all of our thoughts with our families and all you other blog readers. Thanks for the comments and keep 'em coming. If you read this post first make sure you read Lisa and Vicky's posts for today as well. We all have different perspective and God has shown each of us differnet things that are worth while reading.
Blessing to all,
Laura et al
Friday, August 22, 2008
We made it!
We have arrived in Kyiv finally and we haven't lost anyone in our group. We had a close call at JFK on the tram but all have arrived and aside from being tired all is well. We have visited Mcdonals already so mama nad the boys are happy. Papa is still looking for the latest in cuisine. Tomorrow we are off the sleeping choo choo and the boys are very excited about that. I'm hoping we have the airconditioned one but I have my doubts. The fans babushka sent will come in handy I'm sure. Keep praying for us as the hardest part will be visiting with the kids and trying to share the gospel with them in a relevant way. We hope to be able ot change some lived on this trip.
one tired mama mama mama
one tired mama mama mama
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Off to Ukraine!
Yep, we really are going and NO we are not bringing back any more kids. I'm sure it will be tempting but our family is officially closed. Amen says the papa.
We are leaving shortly to go on a missions trip back to the orphanage where Yuri came from. Children's home #3 in Zaporyzhzhia. We will do some odd jobs and get a chance to minister to the kids there as well as deliver some backpacks and toothbrushes and such. We will also have one day at Sonechko baby house where Vanya was to bless the babies and say hello to those we already know.
Short post since it is 3am and I'm still packing! Wish us safe travels and good health and if you want the blow by blow we have another blog at which we will be updating while we are there.
The boys are very excited and I don't think they really know what to expect. Yuri asked if he was going to sleep in his old bed: Absolutely not says the mama! He still wanted to know if someone else might be sleeping there and I told him there was a good possibility that there was but that his home is now with us and he won't ever spend the night there again. He was pretty happy with that answer. The other boys just ant to be wherever mama and papa are. I think Victor was a little offended that we weren't going to "his house" but I explained that it was too far away but maybe another time (and maybe in another life) we might go there.
That it for now from the desk of one tired mama looking forward to getting on that plane and crashing. Papa will have plane duty.
Mama mama mama
We are leaving shortly to go on a missions trip back to the orphanage where Yuri came from. Children's home #3 in Zaporyzhzhia. We will do some odd jobs and get a chance to minister to the kids there as well as deliver some backpacks and toothbrushes and such. We will also have one day at Sonechko baby house where Vanya was to bless the babies and say hello to those we already know.
Short post since it is 3am and I'm still packing! Wish us safe travels and good health and if you want the blow by blow we have another blog at which we will be updating while we are there.
The boys are very excited and I don't think they really know what to expect. Yuri asked if he was going to sleep in his old bed: Absolutely not says the mama! He still wanted to know if someone else might be sleeping there and I told him there was a good possibility that there was but that his home is now with us and he won't ever spend the night there again. He was pretty happy with that answer. The other boys just ant to be wherever mama and papa are. I think Victor was a little offended that we weren't going to "his house" but I explained that it was too far away but maybe another time (and maybe in another life) we might go there.
That it for now from the desk of one tired mama looking forward to getting on that plane and crashing. Papa will have plane duty.
Mama mama mama
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
July 4th at Yorktown
This year we decided to go to the Yorktown display of fireworks. You have to get there pretty early in order to get a parking spot. They close down the town to traffic after all the parking is full. So we all headed out in our patriotic attire and got there around 3pm. The boy enjoyed the moon bounce and giant slide as well as the classic car parade. We ate at one of the restaurants on the water. It was a lot more fancy than we had thought but everyone behaved pretty well since they were all hungry. We were looking forward to the air force band playing all the great songs but after the reading of the declaration of independence (which is pretty long) by people in colonial costumes, the director stood up and said that there was a thunderstorm headed right for us and the the fireworks had been canceled!!! What a bummer that was. We thought we would stick around and see if it was going to actually rain or not. When it started to sprinkle we decided we would just head home. By the time we got Vanya covered up in the stroller and the other boys under an umbrella or in a poncho it really started to come down and we all felt like cattle trying to get to the parking area. The were only a couple of walkways through the grass to to the field you park in so everyone was pushing and shoving because it was really starting to rain hard by that time. Trying to push a stroller through wet grass while trying to keep all of our belongings together on top and making sure we hadn't left anyone behind was quite the site. Rob just opted to get drenched rather than trying to stay dry. So by the time we all got to the car everyone was tired, disappointed, and wet. On the way home in the line of cars we were in we happened to see a few fireworks in the sky. You guessed it! They still set off the fireworks since the rain had passed by the time we got out of the parking lot but by that time it was too late to turn around. Turning around really wasn't an option anyway since all the traffic was being directed one way. We did see some other fireworks going off and Rob was clever enough to figure out that it was from Busch Gardens so we went and parked outside the gate along the road and then just opened the sliding door and the window on that side and we all got to see fireworks from the comfort of our car while staying dry!
The boys loved the fireworks and weren't even scared of the loud noises they made. We caught the last 15 minutes of the fireworks display and the boys were once again happy and fast asleep by the time we got home 20 minutes after that. They still don't have a clue what we were celebrating but they thought the day was pretty fun. One day they will appreciate and understand what it mean to be an American.
The boys loved the fireworks and weren't even scared of the loud noises they made. We caught the last 15 minutes of the fireworks display and the boys were once again happy and fast asleep by the time we got home 20 minutes after that. They still don't have a clue what we were celebrating but they thought the day was pretty fun. One day they will appreciate and understand what it mean to be an American.
It was just one year ago today that it was Independence Day for them from orphanage life, so I'm sure it will always hold a dual meaning for them. It' hard to believe it has been a year. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday and sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. They all speak only English and I don't think they even understand any Russian anymore although I wish they had been able to retain some of it. This year has held many ups and downs but when I look back they have brought so much joy to my heart and excitement to our family that I wouldn't trade it for the world!
1st day of freedom 2007 and Arriving in America
Mama mama mama
Mama mama mama
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