Just a quick (OK, maybe not so quick)update about a few things we have been doing. We went to Parent's Weekend at Liberty in late October and got to see Travis and Mayra and spend some time with them. We also attended the wedding of the daughter of a friend of ours. (I know, very comlicated to figure out)
Laura finished up her teaching stint at WCA this week and is now free to get back to fixing things up and cleaning things out at the house. Our game room has been repainted and we are in the process of adding a wetbar as well as setting up our 50gal fish tank again.
Crystal came for the weekend last week and we had a good time getting to spend some time with her and hearing about what was going on in her life up in Northern VA.
We are looking forward to a few goings on coming up. Laura will be going to a baby shower for her friend Carol who has just adopted a little boy from Guatamala and at the same time she will get to see her other friend Lisa and her 2 month old twin boys! (fun fun) Laura's grandmother will turn 97 on November 26th (she is truly amazing!)and we will be going to PA for Thanksgiving with Rob's parents. Mayra will be with us for the holiday as well. We will look forward to seeing her. Our church has just purchased a facility and we will be helping to get it ready for the first service some time in December.
We still pray daily about and for our new children who are in Ukraine waiting for us. We pray that the Lord will prepare us and them to be a family. Our paperwork is complete and will be sent over in January for approval. We hope that in the late spring or early summer we will be traveling to go pick them out. The Lord is truly in charge of this one! No preplanning for us as we don't know what age and gender we will end up with but we do know that God knows and will supply us with whatever we need at just the right time. We are blessed to have good friends and family to follow along with us on this journey.